Seaway Dives – Winter has come!

Happy Diver Mugs!

A surprise today as we arrived at the seaway – lovely clear water greeted us, and a very quiet dive site – just the surfers braving the waters!


Not bad really…


Sand Pipe

At 22 degrees, I had my shivers on – but then – I am a sook – but the dives were well worth it with QLD Grouper, Lionfish, schools of Mullet – And even Cormorants(bird) trying to dive down and catch the mullet next to me! – Cheeky Fan-Bellied Leatherjackets, Nudibranchs, Moray Eels, and of course 5 separate cuttlefish – two of which didn’t mind putting on a romantic display while we watched! Such great critter spotting we are headed back tomorrow – this time with film to see if I can catch some more creature-feature on video!

Thankyou to my buddies Iain & Lorenzo for another great opportunity to dive!

Iain just riding the current…
Lorenzo Chilling with a cheeky local
QLD Grouper keeping an eye on us
Love a clearwater day….
Excuse me miss…..
Cuttle Smooch!

Good Buoyancy = Great Dives

I’ve had the pleasure to teach some great divers recently – Open Water, Advanced Open Water & Specialties, and can say I am really quite proud of the divers they has grown to become. I have also experienced some amazing dives as well, watching them experience the marine world more and more along the way.

However, something keeps cropping up with the divers coming to me for further training – overweighting.

21lbs of lead!!
Photo by Sascha Hofmann

The initial evaluation dive – prior to actual training dives – is a chance for the divers to get to know each other underwater (and me!) – so not just swimming around looking at creatures and features and skills – we also do a buoyancy, trim and streamlining session underwater.

Recently, on a first dive at the beautiful Flinders Reef, Moreton Bay – I removed 21 lbs(9.5kg) of lead from a buddy pair.  Trim and streamlining instantly changed, effort requirement dropped, and all of a sudden they looked far more comfortable in the water. With empty cylinders at the safety stop they needed to add some weight back to compensate, but the image of 7 x 3lb belt weights on the mooring block was an eye opener! This was a major change in the way they dived. Air consumption dropped, weary muscles did not cramp, big smiles making masks leak! And streamlining! Oh the streamlining!

Just hanging out – 21lbs lighter! 
Photo by Sascha Hofmann

So many divers are diving heavy. Much of this stems from our neoprene wetsuits having too much control in the shallows, and losing much of their positive buoyancy as we descend and the neoprene compresses. Other surface buoyancy comes from impatience when trying to descend, not exhaling when trying to descend, and of course moving your legs(fins) and arms in any way on that initial descent – as soon as those fins move you are propelled back to the waiting sunshine. So divers chuck on the lead, leading to head-up, hips-down poor streamlining, fins kicking up sand or belting coral, or just divers having to force their way through the water, instead of gliding.

Upside Down Miss Jane!
Photo by Sascha Hofmann


Keep on checking your buoyancy. Ditch as much as you can to still be able to hold a comfortable safety stop at 5m at the end of your dive without effort. We should all be doing at least 3 minutes at 5m – so use this time with your buddy to see how your buoyancy is affected with a tanks holding low air, and your wetsuit trying to take you to the surface. If you are heavy at the safety stop you would benefit from re-evaluating how much lead you carry!

Don’t forget also – a change in equipment will likely affect your buoyancy – Cylinders, BCDs, Wetsuits, and fins can all have different amounts of positive and negative buoyancy.

Most importantly, keep frustration at bay and resist duck diving to start the dive. Many undesirable things occur when a diver is trying to force themselves underwater when buoyant – from increased likelihood of ear/sinus damage, higher air consumption,… to your tank valve belting you in the back of the head!

Ask for help from a dive pro – that’s what they are there for, and don’t be shy about it. We have all been there – I promise.


Thank You to Sascha Hofmann for the use of his images of us at Flinders Reef – you can check out his photography here – Underwater Photography with Sascha Hofmann

‘Til next time –  Dive Safe.

Diver Di



Truk Lagoon – August 2019

Last chance to get in with the great pricing – we are booking flights now – after this week the pricing may change due to late airline bookings!

Dont miss out – its going to be awesome!

May Musings – Upcoming travel & more


Welcome to the cooling days as we head towards winter! I’ve had some great training dives recently but the temperature has started to drop off – 24 down to 21 some dives.

So I’m dreaming of warm places to dive and visit…….


Important travel updates for you.

Truk Lagoon – 24th August – 1st September 2019 – we have some new faces on this trip and some we have seen before – exciting as I’m looking forward to taking them on some of the more challenging dives!! Our held airfares are about to expire – we are booking flights this week. This means if anyone books after this time, the price will likely go up as we cannot access the group fare pricing. Blue Lagoon is a lovely resort to stay at while off-gassing between dives, with great staff, crew and facilities.

If you are thinking of coming along – get that deposit in to lock the great fares! Very much looking forward to heading back again – the best wreck diving I can name – seriously awesome stuff!




Santo – Vanuatu & President Coolidge- 77th Anniversary of sinking – 22nd – 29th October 2019 – a recent change for the better has this trip moving one day forward – this means DIRECT FLIGHTS TO AND FROM BRISBANE!!! No longer a few hours stopping over at Port Vila, its a 2.5hour flight between Brisbane & Santo – having us there in a shorter time than flying to Melbourne!

We also have a diver looking at completing Tech Diving while on the trip – at a discounted rate as the dives are already included in the group package. The course in question is SDI/TDI’s Advanced Nitrox (40 to 100% mixes of O2 – upgrading from maximum 40%  for Enriched Air qualified) and Decompression Procedures. There are spots left if other divers are interested in joining one or both of these courses. Let me know you are interested and I’ll forward you the details.

A great week in Luganville with an excellent dive centre diving the ex-President Coolidge (massive) shipwreck, Million Dollar Point, and options to visit the beautiful coral reefs by boat trip.

If you are thinking of coming along – get that deposit in to lock the great fares! Very much looking forward to heading back again – the best wreck diving I can name – seriously awesome stuff!


South Africa – 11th-26th February 2020 – Awesome news – I have a few more places available at the original price listed, however much like Truk Lagoon – we are booking flights this coming week. This will lock pricing so fares do not increase. Trime to bite the bullet and enjoy 9 days of safari and exploration in South Africa enjoying Game Drives, walkabouts, traditional dancing, WALKING WITH RHINOS – OH MY GOD- HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!! – and of course spotting the other 4 of the big 5 – Lions, Tigers, Buffalo and Leopards. Oh and the cute ones too – Zebras, Giraffes ,… the list goes on.

Transport is included.

Twin Share Accommodation is included

Oh – and then 5 days and 10 dives with Tanks, Weights and Dive Guides are included to go and chase the Big 5 SHARKS!!!

Aliwal Shoal & Protea Banks are the sites – searching for: Tiger, Bull, Oceanic Black Tip, Hammerhead and even our local favourite – the RaggedTooth Shark(known locally as Grey Nurse, and elsewhere as Sand Tigers!)

90% of your meals are included! (about 5 meals we will head out locally)


South Africa EXTENTION – Cape Town -25th February – 1st March 2020 For those still undecided on the Cape Town Extension – we have 2 spots only left – and as per SA airlines, we are booking the group fares this week, so now is the time to decide – later the price is likely to increase. I am so ridiculously excited about the African penguins its ridiculous. Of course, diving with Seals, 7-Gilled Cowsharks, snorkelling with Great White Sharks, visiting famous wineries, Table Mountain and Nelson Mandelas incarceration – Robben Island is in there too!!



Gizo –  Solomon Islands – July 2020 More details to come when the flyer is complete – but… sp close to home, but remote with amazing diving. DETAILS TO COME HERE –


Christmas Island –  Solomon Islands – December 2020 More details to come when the flyer is complete – but… untouched, often un-dived corals, Red Crabs spawning and Whalesharks coming to feast upon it? what an awesome chance!! DETAILS TO COME HERE –


Koror – PALAU! – Micronesia – March 2021 More details to come when the flyer is complete – but… Palau is AMAZING. Clear water, swift currents makes for incredible coral formations, masses of Turtles, Manta Rays, huge shoals of fish and ITS A SHARK SANCTUARY! Black Tips, Whalers, White Tips, Reefs – stunning sharks looking healthy, well fed and beautiful. DETAILS TO COME HERE –


Komodo – Indonesia – The Coral Triangle – Lets go LIVEABOARD! 10th – 20th July 2021 – Time to get our liveaboard on!! The Indo Siren is an amazing Indonesia Phinisi vessel. Worldwide Dive and Sail provide astounding services on the ‘Sirens’ – Free equipment hire (except dive computer & torch), free Nitrox for those qualified, all drinks included except shelf liquor, all meals and snacks. Up to 4 dives a day on non-transit days, Twin share accommodation,…. and DIVING THE CORAL TRIANGLE!!! The marine life is prolific, corals, sponges , huge shoals of fish, critters, turtles, mantarays, the list goes on. Oh yes, and lets go to a protected park island and see MASSIVE KOMODO DRAGONS!! Its awesome, Epic, and I can’t wait to go back!


Timor Leste (East Timor) – November 2021 Untouched and stunning. So close and yet often overlooked, the dicing rteports from Timor Leste are coming back amazing, so lets do this! Lots of time to prepare – and we will be flyi ng over from Darwin, so travel should be at a minimum!! DETAILS TO COME HERE –


Fiji – Voli Voli with extension to Bega Lagoon – March 2022 (details to come)

Phillipines Liveaboard – June 2022 (details to come)

Iceland Discovery – November/December 2022 (details to come)

Other upcomings.

exHMAS Tobruk & Lady Musgrave Island Dive Weekend 2019

I’m building a dive weekend in Bundaberg region, for 2 dive days, 4 dives and accommodation later in the year. Looking for the calmest waters – so Winter – to give the best opportunity to have great conditions diving the Tobruk and Lady Musgrave Island. Stay tuned-details soon!

Fish Rock Cave Weekend 2019

As Fish Rocks Cave was cancelled due to inclement weather on the May Long Weekend, I’ll be shuffling another weekend together soon – when the very busy SouthWestRocks Dive has rom as they are incredibly busy – as usual!!


I am best caught up with on messenger or Facebook page – would love to hear from you in any case – even just let me know what you’re up to/recent dives if I havent seen you for awhile!!  Best Fishes and See you underwater!!

March – What an unexpected surprise!

Seaway Dive 24th March 2019

I hadn’t planned on diving Sunday – it was a last minute thing to become available.

The weather had not been handing out great in-water conditions at the seaway, so I didn’t prep the camera

Curious little octopus!

– instead wanting to work with a diver on their buoyancy control in slightly challenging conditions.  Was I wrong about how memorable the day was.

But let’s not get ahead of things. The photos underwater are from previous dives – so that you get the idea of what critters we saw – but in very poor conditions. The surface shots were thanks to our surface watch Andy from FromThinAir Productions, who just happened to pull out the iphone at the right time!


We arrived to an unwelcome surprise. advised that 24 hours earlier the Seaway tide turned an hour after what was projected.

Banded Cleaner Shrimp
White Eyed Moray

When we arrived at 9:15, the tide had already turned – at least 1.5hours BEFORE high tide!!  Disappointing, but we still kitted up and tried to get in ASAP before the current really started to drag us seaward. Our dive was uneventful, with only a mild current to swim into for the near hour-long duration, with many critters spotted in the low visibility. The two buddy teams lost each other periodically, with the visibility down to 1m in some places – but with enough distance to catch each other to point out specific interests along the way.



Lace curtain on a Crocodilefish eye

We spotted Greyface/White-Eyed Moray Eel, a gnarly old Yellow Margined Moray Eel… a very well camouflaged stonefish looking at us grumpily, a curious octopus, although shy,  and my favourite spot – a crocodile fish!! I searched high and low for the recently-spotted frogfish, and the ornate ghost pipefish, but came away unsuccessful. Flathead hanging out everywhere!



Hermit Crabs everywhere!

Our second trip ran as an outgoing drift – a little more challenging as any disturbance of the silt then flowed in front of us ‘muddying the waters’ ahead. One of the very first things spotted was a mottled catfish which seemed remarkable calm at our approach. On closer inspection I discovered the ‘very chill’ guy was actually snagged badly on a fishing line! As we meandered onwards we inspected many nooks & crannies, spotted a little yellow spotted boxfish (juvenile), lots more cleaner shrimps, and another Octopus that was very curious, even after getting a mild sandstorm blown over him when the surge from a passing big boat hit us all. We rounded the point in the shallows and then descended down to show the divers ‘the poo-pipe’ which was discharging processed water into the outgoing tide.


Clear Body Shrimp

Hooking up towards the steps, the divers found a big Cod nestled in a grotto nearby, so by the excitement in their eyes I decided to take them down to the 3 water tanks on the off chance my old friend the QLD Grouper was hanging out in the big one. Drifting down to the Sandpiper, it seemed a much larger distance than usual due to the low visibility. We arrived at the tanks, and I peeked inside the largest. Much sanddrift has now made the accessible area inside much small than my last visit, and with just stripeys and a large sweetlip inside, I decided Mr Grouper probably didn’t hang out in there much due to the reduced space. Moving around to the middle and low tank, I bumped into two large lionfish hiding out of the current, and a mass of Stripeys in the middle tank.  In case there was something exciting in the low tank – who’s access is now only just big enough for your head, I peered inside to no avail. I looked back to the 3 divers and didi a double take – when did another diver join us? Peering closer, the diver blob came closer and I realised it was one of the Grouper I was searching for – but wow he has grown since I last saw him.  Excitedly I pointed him out to the guys,  and even Simon, who was less than 2m away didn’t realize immediately that he was looking at an enormous fish, right next to him!

When Mr Grouper (or his buddy) was a little smaller he fit into the top water tank)
The first time I met Mr Grouper (or his buddy) he was a little shy at first.
And then he got a little used to me… and curious








Mr Grouper completely ignored Simon next to him and quietly swam up-current to me, as I retracted my pointing arm, until we were nose-to-nose. Elated but I admit I was a little wary, but then, if he decided to nip me there was nothing I was going to be able to do about it! Enormous, filling my vision, he came close enough for a cuddle – (although I didn’t really 🙂 )  Mr Grouper hung there for awhile and then headed off into the  the murk.



Mr Grouper was…. ENORMOUS!!!
The visibility was,… well,… challenging!







Another day in the top watertank – Mr Grouper flashing his beautiful yellow fins (and tail)

It’s not all that often I use the ‘Mind Blown’ underwater signal – and funnily enough during the briefing for this dive Simon asked what my signal for mind blowing was – was there some premonition Simon? I reckon maybe!

Enough for now – Time to plan the next dive! 



October – Social Night

Friday, October 19th – Kedron Park Hotel

Another very enjoyable night out with some new faces, along with some regular ones all coming along for a beverage and a chinwag! We even had apologies sent from others who couldn’t make it on the night. So good to have a snug dive community coming together like this! The Kedron Pub has upgraded the TV we usually use however, with the new you-beauty version a bit too sophisticated to accept the data inputs we have used in the past. No big screen for this night – thank you to Rob for allowing use of his laptop for a few images!! Very much looking forward to using that new screen however – looks like a great upgrade!!

So what has happened this last month?


One of DiveQuest outboards suffered a nasty hiccup on the way out to dive North Stradbroke Island recently. While we still managed to complete the day and return safely, the day was rather long travelling on one outboard! Despite the long day, and some seasickness, and the obvious worry over a damaged boat, everyone aboard still debarked at the end of the (longer-than-normal) day with smiles and well wishes that DQ would be back on the water soon. The great news we have is that she was back on her ‘sea-legs’ within a week (even though the weather then turned sour!) with Mercury motors covering the messy gearbox under warranty.


Mark & Go Dive Charters would like to thank everyone aboard that day for their resilience, patience and confidence as we maneuvered through the tricky situation!



Is in the making. To make it easier the schedule will not be swapping days on the weekend for the year – but keeping to a regular Sunday each week. The calendar will be complete soon however things to note:

  • Every Sunday  – Dive Departure
  • Once a month – Saturday Double Dive – cruisey/easy dive day – great for rusty divers, photographers
  • Once a Month – Flinders Reef – Double Dive
  • Every Second Month – Triple Dive Day – Advanced Divers
  • Every Second Month (opposite to the triple dive day) – Excursion Dive Day – Hendersons/Cherubs etc
  • Curtin Artificial Reef – when possible – tidally dependent


SHARKSKIN available at Go Dive

Yes, Go Dive is now making Sharkskin available.

As there are SO many different models and SO many sizes, Mark is not trying to stock them all, it would overwhelm the shop!

A few models in the main sizes in-store, with ability to order in anything specific not in house fairly quickly.

Di arrived at the social night rocking the new Sharkskin Surface Jacket, which seemed to make the rounds of the room, came near to vanishing a few times!



NEW OVERSEAS TRIP LAUNCHED – Hideaway Island – Vanuatu

As there was a big empty gap between Santo this year and Truk in 2019, we have launched a great week away just before Easter next year (not on Easter as ALL prices skyrocket as you know)

A week in Port Vila on Hideaway Island.

Sound good?

You bet it does!!

More details HERE.




SANTO/VANUATU Departure Group

Some very happy end excited divers (along with a few slightly jealous ones too perhaps!) chatting about preparations for their imminent departure to dive Santo, President Coolidge, Million Dollar Point and the local reefs.

New roommates met each other, and all the niggly last minute questions were clarified.

As some of the group are coming from places afar – Sydney, and even as far as Tonga, not everyone was able to attend, but those who did all seemed very upbeat and ready for their next adventure.


REMINDER – South West Rocks

Still have places left for your South West Rocks super-shark foray in early December.

We have the private apartment booked, and again have some divers travelling up from Sydney to join us!

More details HERE.





SOUTH AFRICA ScubaSafari 2020 Nearly booked out!

Amazing we have only 2 confirmed places left for this epic adventure.

After those are taken I will try to access more, but cannot guarantee – many connections, accommodations, tours etc all come together for this bucket list event.

Don’t miss out – it will be AMAZING!! More details HERE.






Our next social night will be Friday November 23rd – Kedron Park Pub, Lutwyche Road. 6:30pm. We should have photos and video from the Santo trip. Hope to see you there!!

Event details – November Social Night


Diver Di (SubmersibleHuman)


SubmersibleHuman takes on Baby Shark!


Just to make you all smile,I headed off with buddy Lorenzo to take part in the current ‘Baby Shark’ craze!

Featuring (Well, Di, obviously!) and Sharks found in our Pacific Ocean region!

  • Tasseled Wobbegong Sharks (Raja Ampat – West Papua)
  • Grey Nurse Sharks/Ragged Tooth Sharks/Sand Tiger Sharks (South West Rocks, NSW & Wolf Rock QLD – Australia)
  • Ornate Wobbegong Shark (South West Rocks, NSW, Australia)
  • Grey Reef Whaler Sharks (Palau, Micronesia)
  • Tawny Nurse Shark (Flat Rock, Brisbane, QLD, Australia)
  • All other critters – Crayfish, Catfish & Queensland Grouper all in locations close to Brisbane QLD

Have a laugh, give it a thumbs up or down, subscribe – maybe even have a look at the other – less silly – underwater films made!!

September – Social Night

Friday, September 28th – Kedron Park Hotel

Another great night at the Kedron Pub for our recent social night.  It’s always nice to see these happy diver faces catching up with past and future buddies!

Housekeeping –


The news everyone has heard about Air Niugini had only hours earlier had an incident landing at the airport at Weno, Truk Lagoon. many conflicting reports are coming out about whether she landed short or overran the runway, or missed it completely – ending up in the sea around 100m from the end of the runway. Anyone who has been there knows that runway is incredibly short but most importantly it appears everybody escaped the plane on the surface before she sank, with the locals all rushing into action with boats out to the fuselage to assist.

Weno Airstrip - Image from GoogleMaps.
Weno Airstrip – Image from GoogleMaps.

More than anything I hope everyone is alright, retrieves their belongings or has them replaced, and that this doesn’t affect Air Niugini’s plans to keep flying the route to Truk-Pohnpei-Port Moresby. When United Airlines ceased Flying Cairns-Guam, Truk Lagoon became very difficult for Aussies to visit due to the complexities of travel. This route made Truk so much more accessible, more so than when United were in place. I would hate to see Truk Lagoon, its locals and businesses suffer from a loss of visitors that was seen between United ceasing and Air Niugini starting.

Air Niugini Press Release





We have the new travel brochures up and ready to go, with Fish Rock Cave 2018 & 2019, Santo & Truk 2019 & South Africa 2020 all on offer.

More trips will also come online as they are completed preparations. Click on the brochures below for more details!

Fish Rock Cave December Weekend 2018
Fish Rock Cave December Weekend 2018
Fish Rock Cave May Long Weekend 2019
Truk Lagoon, Micronesia - August 2019
Truk Lagoon, Micronesia – August 2019
Santo & SSPresident Coolidge October 2019 77th Anniversary of Sinking
Santo & SSPresident Coolidge October 2019 77th Anniversary of Sinking
South Africa Scuba Safari – February 2020











Dive Log Australasia – October 2018
Submersiblehuman/Diana Doreian is this months Woman of Water - Page 64!
SubmersibleHuman/Diana Doreian is this months ‘Woman of Water’ – Page 64!











October Edition – SubmersibleHuman is the Woman of Water for this month! Many divers had already seen it – and despite a spelling error on my surname, it was lovely to see it has already been read and commented on by many! Thanks divers!

Read Dive Log Online



Issue 1
Issue 3 July/Aug 2018
Issue 3
Issue 4









Four issues along and this new dive magazine has been pretty solid with what it is bringing each month. There are many copies at GoDive for anyone wanting to pick up a current issue (free). We also have some earlier editions if you missed them.

Scuba Diver Asia Pacific



Diving with Sharks
Close encounters with Marine Life







Nigel entertained us with some AMAZING shark images, and loads if information on Sharks, behaviour, species identification and answering all our curly questions! His beautiful new book Diving with Sharks was drooled over, and a buddy pair of mine cleaned him out of almost all his publications! His newest book, hot off the press too – Close Encounters was on show so we had an early peek!!

Meet at Manly at 7am
Hope the weather is like this!
The water steed – MV DiveQuest







Unfortunately the day put aside for Nigel Marsh to share some of his knowledge with budding photographers needs to be changed. No longer October the 6th, We have him booked aboard DiveQuest in the blossoming warmer water on Sunday 18th November. Get in quick to book your spot aboard!

DiveQuest Bookings Page



Our next social night will be Friday October 19th – Kedron Park Pub, Lutwyche Road. 6:30pm. Hope to see you there!!

Event details – October Social Night


Diver Di (SubmersibleHuman)
