Fish Rocks Cave – an amazing location just off the coast, a big rock pile which attracts Grey Nurse Sharks to ‘hang out’ at almost all year round. The drawcard of the site is an amazing underwater cave/swim though that many divers can explore the darkness and all the creatures that dwell inside. Crayfish, Wobbegong Sharks, Turtles, Hermit Crabs, Anemonefish, and periodic visitor such as Bronze Whaler and even Hammerhead Sharks!

Not to be missed, but best to have Advanced and Nitrox certification prior to visiting for a few different criteria!

December 2018 – Searching for a cold current – we headed south to see if we could catch sight of Hammerhead sharks that visit the area during this time. The Grey Nurse sharks like to cuddle up into the entrances of the caves – so we had some sensational interactions!

May 2018 – Amazingly clear water, with some interesting swirling currents! A great long weekend with a big group of happy, friendly divers!

May 2016 – A great long weekend away with the great team at South West Rocks Dive – a sensational fun group of divers celebrating diving and buddies, along with Greay Nurse Sharks!

August 2012 – Slightly murky conditions and not the greatest quality camera, but it all has to start somewhere!
